TeachableHub is a fully-managed platform bringing ML teams together to deploy, serve, and share impactful models as public or private APIs(a.k.a. Teachables) with ZERO MLOps, seamless scalability, and no costly infrastructure.
Created to make a difference, inspired by the open community spirit.
Teachable - [/ˈtiːtʃəb(ə)l/] - noun - A powerful machine learning model deployed as a REST, gRPC or GraphQL API, entirely documented, available to be consumed by any server-side or client-side applications. It can be published privately or shared in public for the community's benefit.
You create meaningful models, we give you powerful tools and infra to deploy and host them.
Together we change the future!
Connect your model from anywhere, using any framework, deploy it as an API & share it with the world. Versioning, model validation, and more available out of the box.
Securely serve & instantly scale Teachables on our fully-managed serverless infrastructure. Forget about MLOps tasks, underutilized resources, and infra costs.
Monitor, manage, and control model usage and performance in production, set ACLs & permissions - all from a centralized hub side by side with your entire ML team.
For each model, you get a fully documented & ready to use API you can easily connect with any web, mobile, commerce, or backend platform via our modern SDKs.
Let's deploy models in under 10 minutes
Deploy & Share models freely as public APIs, infra costs are on us!
Our solution is available as a Managed Cloud Service or an On-Premise version
suitable for any infrastructure supporting Kubernetes.
Deploy & share models freely as public APIs, infra costs are on us!
Ideal for innovators, freelancers, university practitioners, students, and visionaries building open projects.
Ideal for teams of all sizes, app agencies, enterprises organizations, and professionals working on projects at scale.
Here's what Machine Learning practitioners have to say about our product.
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